Read the moving personal testimony of Karl Miller who left the homosexual lifestyle to live as a devout Catholic man. Click to find out what brought him back and how we can help others to come home.
Come hear Karl's inspiring personal story, learn the Church's position on same-sex attraction, and learn how to speak with clarity and charity on the issue. Click for more details.
Many people think vaping is harmless, but in fact, it may be more damaging than smoking, is hard-wiring young brains to be lifetime drug users, and offers an easy, almost undetectable way to inhale concentrated marijuana. Mr. David Fialko, Certified Prevention Specialist, came to the St. Jude Education Center to warn us of this new gate-way drug. Please click to read a summary of his presentation. gave our Opioid Workshop great coverage in the article, "Chalfont parish brings hope, awareness to bear on opioid crisis." Click to read what the speakers had to say and to see images of the event.