Unfortunately, due to the expected snow beginning Saturday evening, the Valentine's Day reception following the 4:30pm Mass is canceled. The renewal of vows at the 4:30pm Mass will still take place.
“I was a stranger and you welcomed Me.” (Matt 25:35)
The main goal of the Hospitality Committee is to help promote the warmth, openness, and welcoming environment of our parish.
If you’ve been to any event at St. Jude’s, the Hospitality Committee was at work! We organize events, provide yummy refreshments, and make sure everyone receives a smile and a warm hello!
It’s sad to hear people say they went to a Protestant church just because they didn’t know anyone at their parish and because the other churches had “great community.” Our mission as Hospitality Committee is to strengthen people’s bonds to our parish and to their Faith by providing opportunities to create friendships and connections.
Some of our events include: parish picnics, Social Sundays, Ministry Day, Valentine’s Day Mass, Eagles Tailgating Picnic, St. Jude Feast Day Festival, pancake breakfast, and more!
We need you! We are a very friendly (obviously!) group of people who have a lot of fun (obviously!) throwing parties at the parish. Please join us. Make connections. Help others know what a wonderful, warm group of people St. Jude has.
Sign up on this page or contact Carlene for more information.
Contact Carlene McCool: [email protected]