Take a minute to watch this video!
Catholic Heart Work Camp, affectionately called "Camp Heart" for short, is an opportunity for students to grow in their Catholic Faith and grow in strong friendships while serving the needs of others.
Check out CHWC's Promo Video to get a better idea of what it's all about!
IMPORTANT: If you will be 18 or older as of July 6, you are required by CHWC to go through Protecting God's Children training and a background check. Please contact Ashley Bennett for more information on this as soon as you register so we have time to help you get that sorted.
For specific Information about the Camp and Home Base where we will be staying for the trip, you can visit Catholic Heart Work Camp's Website here. PLEASE NOTE: You should NOT click "Register Now" on the CHWC website. This information will be sent out once your payment is received.
Take some time to look at our slide show and read the testimonials of students and chaperones who have gone on this life-changing trip.
Jeffrey Fountain: "Camp Heart is always filled with more fun than you could possibly expect. From working in state parks, to helping at animal shelters, to aiding elderly residents, we make a difference in people’s lives, and have a very good time doing it."
Matt Hopkins: "My Camp Heart experience was very fun! I had the opportunity to work at the boys/girls club. It was great to meet new people and make new friends. I was happy to have the chance to help out with the kids activities and hear all the things we had in common. I enjoyed coming together at the end of the day for program and having a fun time with my fellow St. Jude campers!"
Meredith Jack: "I had a wonderful time on my second trip to Camp Heart. My group helped elderly residents by painting a shed at one home and cleaning the porch and doing yard work at another home. I enjoy helping others and seeing how grateful the people whose homes we worked at were was very rewarding. I had a lot of fun spending time with the kids from St. Jude and from other parishes. I can’t wait to go back next year!"
Luke Varillo: "Catholic Heart Workcamp was such an unexplainable experience for me. I loved having the opportunities to help people in need, and it was such a great feeling when the job was complete."
Aidan Zakarewicz: "My time at Catholic Heart Work Camp was like no other experience I have had. I had so much fun during my week along with feeling closer to God than I ever have. I loved making new friends while growing closer to old ones."
And a few words from some of our wonderful chaperones:
Sarah Murgia: "CHWC was and is one of my favorite weeks of the year. (That’s why I keep coming back 7 years and counting hahah!) I absolutely love watching our teens grow closer to Christ as they serve others, truly being God's hands and feet. It brings me joy to watch theses teens become fully alive. #bestweekever"
Martha Danchak: "My pride for the kids who participated in Camp Heart is immeasurable. Many witnessed elderly, ill, and disadvantaged people who are in real need of assistance that they cannot afford. All experienced a sense of accomplishment and awareness of how coming together with others can fulfill needed work that is difficult to complete without the assistance of many people. My hope for each and every participant is that the experience was a seed that will grow and continue to bear fruit for all their lives by encouraging them to step up and help others when opportunity to do so presents itself. Every small contribution helps! "