On Saturday, February 13th, we will have a special Valentine’s Mass again for married couples at the 4:30 pm Vigil Mass. I will invite all our married couples to renew their marriage vows after the homily. I will pray over these couples, asking Our Lord to bless them and rekindle in them the love and grace that was bestowed on them the day they entered the Sacrament of Matrimony. However, after the Vigil Mass, there will not be a reception for the married couples as we have done in the past, because of COVID-19 restrictions. But each wife will receive a rose after the Mass. My intention is to honor and celebrate the sacredness of the Sacrament of Matrimony and make this night very special for our married couples. This is the 6th year that we have had this celebration, and it has been so well received. Reserve this date on your calendar, whether you were recently married or are celebrating your 50th wedding anniversary. If you are celebrating a milestone marriage anniversary of 25, 50, or more years, please let me know by calling the rectory at 215-822-0179.