We would like to thank everyone who made donations and/or volunteered at our March 13 and March 20 AID FOR UKRAINE event at St Anne's Ukrainian Catholic Church.
The community's generosity has been more than we ever expected. In 2 days we collected items to fill almost 3000 boxes and received almost 1000 wheelchairs, canes, walkers, etc. WOW!!! Your monetary donations have been sent to our Archdiocese to be used for Humanitarian Aid in Ukraine.
Although our event is over, you can still donate to the Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine project by making monetary donations to the "Ukrainian Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia" and send your donation to 810 N Franklin Street - Philadelphia, PA 19123. In the memo section, write "Humanitarian Aid Fund for Ukraine." You can also pay online at their website www.ukrarcheparchy.us. Click on PayPal and select "War Victims and Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine."
Words will never be enough to thank everyone. Please pass this on to anyone you know who was involved but hasn't shared their email address with us.
Please continue to pray for Ukraine. Slava Ukraini / Glory to Ukraine
Adrienna Wilbourne Valerie and John Wesolowich Helene Zadworniak Michalko