JUNE 17, 18, and 19 CRISIS MOBILE PACK FOR UKRAINE St Anne Ukrainian Catholic Church 1545 Easton Road – Warrington, PA 18976
Packing is fun and easy. If you cannot stand for long, there will be seated jobs, as well. This is NOT a food collection - this is just for packing food we will already have, designed for shipping and distribution to those in areas of need.
(AGES: 6 to 100)
Set up Hall (20 volunteers needed) Hours: Friday 3:30-5p
Pack the food (10 people per station, 24 stations per 2 hr session – 240 volunteers per session needed); Put boxes on pallets; and put labels on packs (sit down at table) Hours: Friday (6-8p); Saturday (9-11; 12-2; 2:30-4:30; 5:30-7:30); Sunday (11-1)
Clean Up Hall (20 volunteers needed) Hours: Sunday 12:30-3:30p